Source code for frapy.models

The BaseModel handles all the lensing part, producing a distance map 
that is used by all the other models. 

import numpy as np
import os.path

import matplotlib.pylab as plt

from import fits 
from astropy.cosmology import WMAP9 as cosmo
from reproject import reproject_interp
from astropy.convolution import convolve,Gaussian2DKernel

__all__ = ['BaseModel','Metallicity_Gradient','Metallicity_Gradient_Constant_Centre','Velocity_Arctangent']

[docs]class BaseModel(object): """ Global lensing model to be used in all other Model classes . This class prepares the deflection maps to be used with a particular object (i.e. at a particular redshift) and observations (i.e. aligns the maps with the data). The main output is a distance map, in kiloparsecs, and an azimuthal map that serve as base for all the models being fit (metallicity gradient, velocity...) Parameters ---------- z_lens: float Redshift of the gravitational lens. dfx_path: str Path to the fits file with the x deflection. dfy_path: str Path to the fits file with the y deflection. cx: int x position of the centre (in pixels) cy: int y position of the centre (in pixels) q: float axis ratio (b/a) pa: float Position angle (0 North, +90 East ) df_ang: float Angle between x axis and North (measured anti-clockwise) in the deflection maps. project_x: float array Lensing model (deflection in x direction) to be used to a particular object. Created with the 'create_deflection_maps_for_object' method. project_y: float array Lensing model (deflection in y direction) to be used to a particular object. Created with the 'create_deflection_maps_for_object' method. data: array An array with a realisation of a model made from the current parameter values. conv_data: array An array with a realisation of a model made from the current parameter values, convolved by the seeing of observations. """ def __init__(self,zlens,dfx_path,dfy_path,df_ang=0,cx=0,cy=0,q=1,pa=0): self.zlens = zlens if os.path.isfile(dfx_path): self.dfx_path = dfx_path else: print('Deflection map %s not found'%dfx_path) if os.path.isfile(dfy_path): self.dfy_path = dfy_path else: print('Deflection map %s not found'%dfy_path) = cx = cy self.q = q = pa self.project_x = None self.project_y = None = None self.conv_data = None self.df_ang = df_ang
[docs] def lensing_info(self): """ Prints the lens redshift and deflection maps origin""" print('Lens redshift: %0.4f'%self.zlens) print('Deflection map (x): %s' %self.dfx_path) print('dDflection map (y): %s' %self.dfy_path)
[docs] def create_projection_maps(self,Observation,correct_z=True): """ Takes the more global deflection maps produced by a graviatational lensing fitting code, and converts these maps to 'projection' maps, that maps where a pixel in source plane should be 'projected' in image plane, for this particular Observation. The project_x and project_y attributes are created with this function. """ # Load deflection maps dplx = fits.getdata(self.dfx_path) dply = fits.getdata(self.dfy_path) dpl_header = fits.getheader(self.dfx_path) # Normalise it to the redshift of the object if correct_z: dls = cosmo.angular_diameter_distance_z1z2(self.zlens,Observation.z) ds = cosmo.angular_diameter_distance(Observation.z) dplx *= (dls/ds).value dply *= (dls/ds).value # Convert deflection maps to arcseconds step = abs(dpl_header['CDELT2'])*3600.0 x,y = np.meshgrid(np.arange(dplx.shape[0]),np.arange(dplx.shape[1])) sx = x*step - dplx sy = y*step - dply # Re-grid the deflection map to the data format and to kpc data_header = fits.getheader(Observation.data_path) project_x, _ = reproject_interp((sx,dpl_header),data_header) project_y, _ = reproject_interp((sy,dpl_header),data_header) project_x = project_x/cosmo.arcsec_per_kpc_proper(Observation.z).value project_y = project_y/cosmo.arcsec_per_kpc_proper(Observation.z).value self.project_x = project_x self.project_y = project_y
[docs] def convolve_with_seeing(self,seeing): """Convolves a model with a Gaussian with width (sigma) 'seeing'.""" conv_model = convolve(, Gaussian2DKernel(stddev=(seeing)),boundary='extend') self.conv_data = conv_model return conv_model
[docs] def make_distance_map(self): """Produces a distance map, in kpc, centrered in 'cx','cy' and assuming a ratio of 'q' between the minor and major axis, with the major axis in the 'pa' direction. """ if np.all(self.project_x) == None or np.all(self.project_y) == None: print('No projection maps for a particular redshift were found.') print('It is not possible to create a distance map without them.') print('Use the "create_projection_maps" method first.') pass else: # Centre distance map cx = int(np.round(,0)) cy = int(np.round(,0)) center_x = self.project_x[cy,cx] center_y = self.project_y[cy,cx] centered_project_x = self.project_x - center_x centered_project_y = self.project_y - center_y # Create 2D model y_ip,x_ip = np.mgrid[:centered_project_x.shape[0], : centered_project_x.shape[1]] x_out = centered_project_x[y_ip,x_ip] y_out = centered_project_y[y_ip,x_ip] # Account for rotation (counter-clockwise, North 0, East 90) pa_rad = np.deg2rad(self.df_ang + x_rot = x_out*np.cos(pa_rad)+y_out*np.sin(pa_rad) y_rot = y_out*np.cos(pa_rad)-x_out*np.sin(pa_rad) dist = np.sqrt((x_rot*self.q)**2+(y_rot)**2) return dist
[docs] def make_azimuthal_map(self): """Produces an azimuthal map, in kpc, centrered in 'cx','cy' and assuming a ratio of 'q' between the minor and major axis, with the major axis in the 'pa' direction. """ if np.all(self.project_x) == None or np.all(self.project_y) == None: print('No deflection maps for a particular redshift were found.') print('It is not possible to create a distance map without them.') print('Use the "create_deflection_maps_for_object" method first.') pass else: # Centre distance map cx = int(np.round(,0)) cy = int(np.round(,0)) center_x = self.project_x[cy,cx] center_y = self.project_y[cy,cx] centered_project_x = self.project_x - center_x centered_project_y = self.project_y - center_y # Create 2D model y_ip,x_ip = np.mgrid[:centered_project_x.shape[0], : centered_project_x.shape[1]] x_out = centered_project_x[y_ip,x_ip] y_out = centered_project_y[y_ip,x_ip] # Account for rotation (counter-clockwise, North 0, East 90) pa_rad = np.deg2rad(self.df_ang + x_rot = x_out*np.cos(pa_rad)+y_out*np.sin(pa_rad) y_rot = y_out*np.cos(pa_rad)-x_out*np.sin(pa_rad) dist = np.sqrt((x_rot*self.q)**2+(y_rot)**2) ratio_x = x_rot/dist ratio_y = y_rot/dist ang = np.rad2deg(np.arccos(ratio_x)) neg_ratio = np.where(ratio_y > 0) ang[neg_ratio] = 360 - np.rad2deg(np.arccos(ratio_x[neg_ratio])) return ang
[docs] def plot(self): """Plots the model""" if np.all( == None: print('No model has been created yet. Use "make_model" method before "plot".') else: fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,1,figsize=(5,3)) ax.set_title('Model') cax0 = ax.imshow(,origin='lower') plt.colorbar(cax0,ax=ax,fraction=0.03)
[docs]class Metallicity_Gradient(BaseModel): """ Linear metallicity gradient. This model inherits the distance maps attributes (cx,cy,q and pa), from which the metallicity at each point is calculated assuming a gradient and a central metallicity value: Z(r) = Delta Z * r + Z_0 with r the radius in kpc, Delta Z the gradient in dex/kpc, Z_0 the central metallicity. Parameters ---------- cx: int x position of the centre (in pixels) cy: int y position of the centre (in pixels) q: float axis ratio (a/b) pa: float Position angle (0 North, +90 East ) z_grad: float Gradient in dex/kpc. z_0: float Central metallicity value (value at cx,cy) """ def __init__(self,zlens,dfx_path,dfy_path,df_ang=0,cx=0,cy=0,q=1,pa=0,z_grad = -1,z_0 = 0): BaseModel.__init__(self,zlens,dfx_path,dfy_path,cx=cx,cy=cy,q=q,pa=pa,df_ang=df_ang) self.z_grad = z_grad self.z_0 = z_0
[docs] def model_name(): """Returns the model's name""" return 'metallicity_gradient'
[docs] def model_parameters(self,verbose=True): """Returns the model's parameters""" if verbose: print('cx: x position of the centre (in pixels)') print('cy: y position of the centre (in pixels)') print('q: axis ratio (a/b)') print('pa: position angle (in degrees)') print('z_grad : gradient in dex/kpc') print('z_0: central metallicity') return ['cx','cy','q','pa','z_grad','z_0']
[docs] def print_parameter_values(self): """Returns the model's parameters values""" print('cx: %d' print('cy: %d' print('q: %0.2f'%self.q) print('pa: %0.2f' print('df_ang: %0.2f'%self.df_ang) print('z_grad: %0.4f'%self.z_grad) print('z_0: %0.4f'%self.z_0)
[docs] def update_model_parameters(self,par): """Updates the parameters of the model. Parameters ---------- par: dictionary dictionary in the shape {'name':parameter_name, 'value':parameter value} """ for name in par.keys(): if name == 'cx': = par[name]['value'] if name == 'cy': = par[name]['value'] if name == 'q': self.q= par[name]['value'] if name == 'pa': = par[name]['value'] if name == 'z_grad': self.z_grad = par[name]['value'] if name == 'z_0': self.z_0 = par[name]['value']
[docs] def make_model(self): """ Makes a model using the current parameters' values and stores it in the 'data' attribute""" distance_map = self.make_distance_map() grad = distance_map * self.z_grad + self.z_0 = distance_map * self.z_grad + self.z_0 return grad
class Metallicity_Gradient_with_Flatenning(BaseModel): """ Linear metallicity gradient with a break at the outter radius. This model inherits the distance maps attributes (cx,cy,q and pa), from which the metallicity at each point is calculated assuming a gradient, a central metallicity value and a radius at which the flatenning happens: Z(r) = Delta Z * r + Z_0, for r <r_flat = cte, for r <r_flat with r the radius in kpc, Delta Z the gradient in dex/kpc, Z_0 the central metallicity and z_flat the radius at which the flatenning occurs. Parameters ---------- cx: int x position of the centre (in pixels) cy: int y position of the centre (in pixels) q: float axis ratio (a/b) pa: float Position angle (0 North, +90 East ) z_grad: float Gradient in dex/kpc. z_0: float Central metallicity value (value at cx,cy) """ def __init__(self,zlens,dfx_path,dfy_path,cx=0,cy=0,q=1,pa=0,z_grad = 1,z_0 = 0): Model.__init__(self,zlens,dfx_path,dfy_path,cx=0,cy=0,q=1,pa=0) self.z_grad = z_grad self.z_0 = z_0 self.r_flat = r_flat def model_name(): return 'metallicity_gradient' def make_model(self): distance_map = make_distance_map(self) grad = distance_map * self.z_grad + self.z_0 outter_part = np.where(distance_map > self.r_flat) anulli = np.where((distance_map > 0.8*self.r_flat) & (distance_map < 1.2*self.r_flat)) grad[outter_part] = np.mean(grad[anulli]) return grad
[docs]class Metallicity_Gradient_Constant_Centre(BaseModel): """ Linear metallicity gradient with a flatenning of the centre at r_flat. This model inherits the distance maps attributes (cx,cy,q and pa), from which the metallicity at each point is calculated assuming a gradient and a central metallicity value: Z(r) = Delta Z * r + Z_0 with r the radius in kpc, Delta Z the gradient in dex/kpc, Z_0 the central metallicity. For r < r_flat, the metallicity is constant. Parameters ---------- cx: int x position of the centre (in pixels) cy: int y position of the centre (in pixels) q: float axis ratio (a/b) pa: float Position angle (0 North, +90 East ) z_grad: float Gradient in dex/kpc. z_0: float Central metallicity value (value at cx,cy) r_flat: float Radius that delimits the central zone where the metallicity is flat """ def __init__(self,zlens,dfx_path,dfy_path,cx=0,cy=0,q=1,pa=0,z_grad = -1,z_0 = 0,r_flat=0.5,z_grad_inner = -1): BaseModel.__init__(self,zlens,dfx_path,dfy_path,cx=0,cy=0,q=1,pa=0) self.z_grad = z_grad self.z_0 = z_0 self.r_flat = r_flat self.z_grad_inner = z_grad_inner
[docs] def model_name(): """Returns the model's name""" return 'Metallicity_Gradient_constant_centre'
[docs] def model_parameters(self,verbose=True): """Returns the model's parameters""" if verbose: print('cx: x position of the centre (in pixels)') print('cy: y position of the centre (in pixels)') print('q: axis ratio (a/b)') print('pa: position angle (in degrees)') print('z_grad : gradient in dex/kpc') print('z_0: central metallicity') print('r_flat: maximum radius of the central (flat) region') print('z_grad_inner: metallicity gradient of the inner part') return ['cx','cy','q','pa','z_grad','z_0','r_flat','z_grad_inner']
[docs] def print_parameter_values(self): """Returns the model's parameters values""" print('cx: %d' print('cy: %d' print('q: %0.2f'%self.q) print('pa: %0.2f' print('z_grad: %0.4f'%self.z_grad) print('z_0: %0.4f'%self.z_0) print('r_flat: %0.2f'%self.r_flat) print('z_grad_inner: %0.4f'%self.z_grad_inner)
[docs] def update_model_parameters(self,par): """Updates the parameters of the model. Parameters ---------- par: dictionary dictionary in the shape {'name':parameter_name, 'value':parameter value} """ for name in par.keys(): if name == 'cx': = par[name]['value'] if name == 'cy': = par[name]['value'] if name == 'q': self.q= par[name]['value'] if name == 'pa': = par[name]['value'] if name == 'z_grad': self.z_grad = par[name]['value'] if name == 'z_0': self.z_0 = par[name]['value'] if name == 'r_flat': self.r_flat = par[name]['value'] if name == 'z_grad_inner': self.z_grad_inner = par[name]['value']
[docs] def make_model(self): """ Makes a model using the current parameters' values and stores it in the 'data' attribute""" distance_map = self.make_distance_map() grad = distance_map * self.z_grad + self.z_0 grad_inner = distance_map * self.z_grad_inner + self.z_0 inner_part = np.where(distance_map < self.r_flat) grad[inner_part] = grad_inner[inner_part] = grad return grad
[docs]class Velocity_Arctangent(BaseModel): """ Exponential velocity model. This model inherits the distance and azimuthal maps, from which an arctangent model of the velocity at each point is calculated assuming the following formulae: V(r) = v_t \\frac{2}{\pi} arctan (\\frac{2r}{r_t}) with r the radius in kpc, v_t the terminal velocity and r_t the transition radius. Parameters ---------- cx: int x position of the centre (in pixels) cy: int y position of the centre (in pixels) q: float axis ratio (a/b) pa: float Position angle (0 North, +90 East ) v_t: float Terminal velocity in km/s. r_t: float transition radius in kpc. """ def __init__(self,zlens,dfx_path,dfy_path,cx=0,cy=0,q=1,pa=0,v_t =100,r_t=10): BaseModel.__init__(self,zlens,dfx_path,dfy_path,cx=0,cy=0,q=1,pa=0) self.v_t = v_t self.r_t = r_t
[docs] def model_name(): """Returns the model's name""" return 'arctangent_velocity'
[docs] def model_parameters(self,verbose=True): """Returns the model's parameters""" if verbose: print('cx: x position of the centre (in pixels)') print('cy: y position of the centre (in pixels)') print('q: axis ratio (a/b)') print('pa: position angle (in degrees)') print('v_t : terminal velocity') print('r_t: transition velocity') return ['cx','cy','q','pa','v_t','r_t']
[docs] def print_parameter_values(self): """Returns the model's parameters values""" print('cx: %d' print('cy: %d' print('q: %0.2f'%self.q) print('pa: %0.2f' print('v_t: %0.2f'%self.v_t) print('r_t: %0.2f'%self.r_t)
[docs] def update_model_parameters(self,par): """Updates the parameters of the model. Parameters ---------- par: dictionary dictionary in the shape {'name':parameter_name, 'value':parameter value} """ for name in par.keys(): if name == 'cx': = par[name]['value'] if name == 'cy': = par[name]['value'] if name == 'q': self.q= par[name]['value'] if name == 'pa': = par[name]['value'] if name == 'r_t': self.r_t = par[name]['value'] if name == 'v_t': self.v_t = par[name]['value']
[docs] def make_model(self): """ Makes a model using the current parameters' values and stores it in the 'data' attribute""" distance_map = self.make_distance_map() theta_map = self.make_azimuthal_map() vel = self.v_t * (2/np.pi) * np.arctan(2*distance_map/self.r_t) * (1 - self.q**2) * np.cos(np.deg2rad(theta_map)) = vel return vel