Source code for frapy.check_fit

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pylab as plt
import pickle
import corner

from .utils import bin_data,mask_data

__all__ = ['Output']

[docs]class Output(object): """ Allows the output of *fit_model* to be inspected Reads the pickle output and allows to plot: . the walkers positions at each iteration to check for convergence . a corner plot of the results . the 50th, 16th and 84th percentiles (mean and +/- 1 sigma) Parameters ---------- outfile: str The name of the pickle file being inspected (without the '.pickle' extension) """ def __init__(self,outfile): self.outfile = outfile try: results = pickle.load(open(self.outfile+".pickle",'rb')) # To avoid issues between python 2 -> 3 except UnicodeDecodeError: results = pickle.load(open(self.outfile+".pickle",'rb'),encoding='latin1') self.chain = results['chain'] self.lnprobability = results['lnprobability'] self.parameters_names = results['parameters_order'] self.obs = results['obs'] self.model = results['model'] self.binning_map = results['bin_map'] self.mask = results['mask'] self.ndim = len(results['parameters_order'])
[docs] def check_convergence(self): ''' Plots the walkers positions at each iteration for each parameter as well as the value of the log-likelihood probability for each iteration. ''' nwalk = self.lnprobability.shape[0] fig1, ax = plt.subplots(1,self.ndim+1,figsize=(14,4)) ax = ax.ravel() for j in range(nwalk): ax[0].plot(self.lnprobability[j, :]) ax[0].set_title('lnP') for i in range(self.ndim): for j in range(nwalk): ax[i+1].plot(self.chain[j, :, i]) ax[i+1].set_title(self.parameters_names[i])
[docs] def make_cornerplot(self,start=0): """ Makes a corner plot of the results. Only uses iterations after 'start' """ samples = self.chain[:, start:, :].reshape((-1, self.ndim)) #best_par = map(lambda v: (v[1], v[2]-v[1], v[1]-v[0]),zip(*np.percentile(samples, [16, 50, 84],axis=0))) fig = corner.corner(samples, labels=self.parameters_names,quantiles=[0.16, 0.5, 0.84], show_titles=True)
[docs] def best_parameters(self,start=0): """Calculates the 16th, 50th and 84th percentiles for each parameter. Only uses iterations after 'start' """ samples = self.chain[:, start:, :].reshape((-1, self.ndim)) best_par = map(lambda v: (v[1], v[2]-v[1], v[1]-v[0]),zip(*np.percentile(samples, [16, 50, 84],axis=0))) best_parameters = {} for par_name,v in zip(self.parameters_names,best_par): best_parameters.update({par_name : {'value':v[0],'min':v[1],'max': v[2]}}) print('%s %0.4f$^{+%0.4f}_{-%0.4f}$'%(par_name,v[0],v[1],v[2])) return best_parameters
[docs] def plot_solution(self,best_parameters): """Given a dictionary with parameter names and values, plots the model. Parameters ---------- best_parameters: dictionary Dictionary in the shape {parameter_name1:{value:X,min:Z,max:Z},parameter_name2:{value:X,min:Z,max:Z}} (from the check_fit.best_parameters function, for example). Returns ---------- model: array float the model with the best parameters residuals: array float the residuals (data - model) """ # Mask data if mask is available data_obs, data_unc = mask_data(self.obs,self.mask) # Update model model = self.model model.update_model_parameters(best_parameters) dummy_model = model.make_model() convolved_model = model.convolve_with_seeing(seeing=self.obs.seeing/2.355) residuals = - convolved_model fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,4,figsize=(10,5)) ax[0].set_title('Data') ax[1].set_title('Model') ax[2].set_title('Convolved Model') ax[3].set_title('Residuals\n(Data-ConvolvedModel)') ax[0].imshow(,origin='lower') ax[1].imshow(,origin='lower') ax[2].imshow(convolved_model,origin='lower') cax = ax[3].imshow(residuals,origin='lower',cmap='PiYG') plt.colorbar(cax,ax=ax[3],fraction=0.03) return model, residuals
[docs] def goodness_of_fit(self,best_parameters): """Given a dictionary with parameter names and values, calculates the chi2, reduced chi2 (chi2/dof), the log-likelihood probability and the Bayesian Information Criteria (BIC) for the model with those parameters values. Parameters ---------- best_parameters: dictionary Dictionary in the shape {parameter_name1:{value:X,min:Z,max:Z},parameter_name2:{value:X,min:Z,max:Z}} (from the check_fit.best_parameters function, for example). Returns ---------- chi2/dof : float Reduced chi2 """ free_par = len(self.parameters_names) # Mask data if mask is available data_obs, data_unc = mask_data(self.obs,self.mask) # Update model model = self.model model.update_model_parameters(best_parameters) dummy_model = model.make_model() convolved_model = model.convolve_with_seeing(seeing=self.obs.seeing/2.355) residuals = - convolved_model # If there is binning, bin data and model data_obs = bin_data(,self.binning_map) data_unc = bin_data(self.obs.unc,self.binning_map) convolved_model = bin_data(convolved_model,self.binning_map) chi2_image = (data_obs-convolved_model)**2/data_unc**2 chi2 = np.nansum(chi2_image[np.where(np.isfinite(chi2_image))]) inv_sigma2 = 1.0/(data_unc**2) lnp = -0.5*(np.nansum((data_obs-convolved_model)**2*inv_sigma2- np.log(inv_sigma2*np.sqrt(2*np.pi)))) bic = free_par*np.log(len(data_obs)) - 2*lnp print('Chi2: %0.2f'%chi2) print('Chi2/dof: %0.2f'%(chi2/(len(data_obs)-free_par))) print('Loglikelihood: %d'%lnp) print('BIC: %d'%bic) return chi2/(len(data_obs)-free_par)